Books printed by the Vautrolliers
Much has been made of the connection between William Shakespeare and his fellow Stratfordian, Richard Field. Richard Field went to London, was apprenticed to the printer Thomas Vautrollier, and in 1588 married Vautrollier's widow Jacqueline and took over the business. Here, writers such as Dave Kathman suggest, is the source of Shakespeare's remarkable knowledge of modern literature.
Here is the list of books known to be printed by the Vautrolliers and Richard Field, currently in the possession of the British Library. Books printed by the Vautrolliers are on this page; Richard Field's books are listed separately.
Books printed by Thomas or Jacqueline Vautrollier in the collections of the British Library
[1] The Confession of Faith, conteining how the troubled man should seeke refuge at his God.
BALNAVES. Henry. One of the Lords of Session
pp. 244. Imprinted by Thomas Vautrollier: Edinburgh, 1584. 8o.
[2] Familiar dialogues, for the instruction of them, that be desirous to learne to speake English ... Dialogues familiers ... Familier deialogs, etc.
BELLOT. Jacques
London: imprinted by Thomas Vautrollier, 1586. Pages not numbered. 12o.
[3] The Institution of Christian Religion, wrytten in Latine by maister Ihon Caluin, and translated into Englysh according to the authors last edition [by T. N., i.e. Thomas Norton.] B.L.
[Another edition.]
ff. 634. Thomas Vautrollier, for William Norton: London, 1578. 8o.
[4] [Another copy, with a different titlepage.]
Thomas Vautrollier, for Humfrey Toy: London, 1578. 8o.
[5] An Abridgement of the Institution of Christian Religion ... Wherein briefe and sound aunsweres to the obiections of the aduersaries are set downe. By William Lawne ... Translated out of Latine ... by Christopher Fetherstone.
pp. 398. Imprinted by Thomas Vautrollier: Edinburgh, 1585. 8o.
[6] The Petie Schole with an English orthographie ... Hereto are newly added 1. verie necessary precepts & patterns of writing the Secretary and Romaine hands, 2. to number by letters, and figures, 3. to cast accomptes, &c. [With diagrams and a writing copy.] B.L.
CLEMENT. Francis
pp. 90. Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1587. 8o.
[7] The Lyfe of the most godly, valeant and noble Capteine and maintener of the trew Christian Religion in Fraunce, Jasper Colignie Shatilion, sometyme greate Admirall of Fraunce. Translated out of Latin [i.e. from the work by Jean de Serres or François Hotman] by A. Golding. B.L.
COLIGNY. Gaspard II. de. Admiral of France
T. Vautrollier: London, 1576. 8o.
[8] The Copie of a Letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza, Ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine, declaring the state of England ... Found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh ... [By William Cecil, Baron Burghley.] Whereunto are adioyned certaine late Aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish Nauie, etc. B.L.
2 pt. I. Vautrollier for Richard Field: London, 1588. 4o.
[9] Certaine aduertisements out of Ireland, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish Nauie ... 1588.
[Another edition.]
I. Vautrollier for Richard Field: London, 1588. 4o.
[10] The Edict or Proclamation set forthe by the Frenche Kinge upon the pacifying of the troubles in Fraunce, with the Articles of the same pacification. Read and published in the presence of the sayd King, sitting in his Parlament, the xiiij. day of May, 1576. Translated out of Frenche by Arthur Golding.
T. Vautrollier: London, [1576.] 8o.
[11] An answer of a true christian to the proude challenge of a counterfet Catholike [i.e. Cardinal Allen.]
FULKE. William
pp. 110. Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1577. 8o.
[12] Two Treatises written against the Papistes, the one being an answere of the Christian Protestant to the proud challenge of a Popish Catholicke [W. Allen, Archbishop of Mechlin]: the other a confutation of the Popish Churches doctrine touching Purgatory & prayers for the dead, etc.
FULKE. William
2 pt. Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1577. 8o.
[13] An Italian grammar, etc. (Turned in Englishe by H. G. [i.e. Henry Granthan].) [A facsimile of the edition of 1575.]
[Another edition.]. MS. additions.
pp. 159. T. Vautrollier: London, 1587. 8o.
[14] An Excellent Treatise of Christian Righteousnes, written first in the French tongue by M. I. de l'Espine, and translated into English by I. Feilde, etc. B.L.
L'ESPINE. Jean de
T. Vautrollier: London, 1578. 8o.
[15] An Excellent Treatise of Christian Righteousnes ... translated ... by I. Field, etc. B.L.
L'ESPINE. Jean de
pp. 128. Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1580. 8o.
[16] An Excellent and Learned Treatise of Apostasie ... Directed against the Apostates in the Churches of France. Written first in the French tongue ... and now faithfully translated into English.
L'ESPINE. Jean de
ff. 234. Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1587. 8o.
[17] The Cauteles, Canon, and ceremonies, of the most blasphemous, abhominable, and monstrous Popish Masse. Togither, The Masse intituled Of the body of Iesus Christ. Fully and wholy set downe, both in Latine and Englishe ... With certaine annotations ... set forth by ... Peter Viret, and translated out of French ... by Tho(mas) Sto(cker) Gent.
pp. 256. Thomas Vautrollier, for Andrew Maunsell: London, 1584. 8o.
[18] Begin. Psalmes of David. (Of the Articles of the Faith.)
pp. 112. Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1587. 8o.
[19] A right comfortable Treatise conteining sundrye pointes of consolation for them that labour & are laden. Written ... to Prince Frederik, Duke of Saxonie, being sore sicke ... Englished by W. Gace. B.L.
LUTHER. Martin
pp. 84. Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1580. 8o.
[20] A Briefe Discourse of Royall Monarchie, as of the best Commonweale ... Wherunto is added by the same ... a Collection of Italian Proverbes, etc.
MERBURY. Charles
T. Vautrollier: London, 1581. 4o.
Here is the list of books known to be printed by the Vautrolliers and Richard Field, currently in the possession of the British Library. Books printed by the Vautrolliers are on this page; Richard Field's books are listed separately.
Books printed by Thomas or Jacqueline Vautrollier in the collections of the British Library
[1] The Confession of Faith, conteining how the troubled man should seeke refuge at his God.
BALNAVES. Henry. One of the Lords of Session
pp. 244. Imprinted by Thomas Vautrollier: Edinburgh, 1584. 8o.
[2] Familiar dialogues, for the instruction of them, that be desirous to learne to speake English ... Dialogues familiers ... Familier deialogs, etc.
BELLOT. Jacques
London: imprinted by Thomas Vautrollier, 1586. Pages not numbered. 12o.
[3] The Institution of Christian Religion, wrytten in Latine by maister Ihon Caluin, and translated into Englysh according to the authors last edition [by T. N., i.e. Thomas Norton.] B.L.
[Another edition.]
ff. 634. Thomas Vautrollier, for William Norton: London, 1578. 8o.
[4] [Another copy, with a different titlepage.]
Thomas Vautrollier, for Humfrey Toy: London, 1578. 8o.
[5] An Abridgement of the Institution of Christian Religion ... Wherein briefe and sound aunsweres to the obiections of the aduersaries are set downe. By William Lawne ... Translated out of Latine ... by Christopher Fetherstone.
pp. 398. Imprinted by Thomas Vautrollier: Edinburgh, 1585. 8o.
[6] The Petie Schole with an English orthographie ... Hereto are newly added 1. verie necessary precepts & patterns of writing the Secretary and Romaine hands, 2. to number by letters, and figures, 3. to cast accomptes, &c. [With diagrams and a writing copy.] B.L.
CLEMENT. Francis
pp. 90. Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1587. 8o.
[7] The Lyfe of the most godly, valeant and noble Capteine and maintener of the trew Christian Religion in Fraunce, Jasper Colignie Shatilion, sometyme greate Admirall of Fraunce. Translated out of Latin [i.e. from the work by Jean de Serres or François Hotman] by A. Golding. B.L.
COLIGNY. Gaspard II. de. Admiral of France
T. Vautrollier: London, 1576. 8o.
[8] The Copie of a Letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza, Ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine, declaring the state of England ... Found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh ... [By William Cecil, Baron Burghley.] Whereunto are adioyned certaine late Aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish Nauie, etc. B.L.
2 pt. I. Vautrollier for Richard Field: London, 1588. 4o.
[9] Certaine aduertisements out of Ireland, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish Nauie ... 1588.
[Another edition.]
I. Vautrollier for Richard Field: London, 1588. 4o.
[10] The Edict or Proclamation set forthe by the Frenche Kinge upon the pacifying of the troubles in Fraunce, with the Articles of the same pacification. Read and published in the presence of the sayd King, sitting in his Parlament, the xiiij. day of May, 1576. Translated out of Frenche by Arthur Golding.
T. Vautrollier: London, [1576.] 8o.
[11] An answer of a true christian to the proude challenge of a counterfet Catholike [i.e. Cardinal Allen.]
FULKE. William
pp. 110. Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1577. 8o.
[12] Two Treatises written against the Papistes, the one being an answere of the Christian Protestant to the proud challenge of a Popish Catholicke [W. Allen, Archbishop of Mechlin]: the other a confutation of the Popish Churches doctrine touching Purgatory & prayers for the dead, etc.
FULKE. William
2 pt. Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1577. 8o.
[13] An Italian grammar, etc. (Turned in Englishe by H. G. [i.e. Henry Granthan].) [A facsimile of the edition of 1575.]
[Another edition.]. MS. additions.
pp. 159. T. Vautrollier: London, 1587. 8o.
[14] An Excellent Treatise of Christian Righteousnes, written first in the French tongue by M. I. de l'Espine, and translated into English by I. Feilde, etc. B.L.
L'ESPINE. Jean de
T. Vautrollier: London, 1578. 8o.
[15] An Excellent Treatise of Christian Righteousnes ... translated ... by I. Field, etc. B.L.
L'ESPINE. Jean de
pp. 128. Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1580. 8o.
[16] An Excellent and Learned Treatise of Apostasie ... Directed against the Apostates in the Churches of France. Written first in the French tongue ... and now faithfully translated into English.
L'ESPINE. Jean de
ff. 234. Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1587. 8o.
[17] The Cauteles, Canon, and ceremonies, of the most blasphemous, abhominable, and monstrous Popish Masse. Togither, The Masse intituled Of the body of Iesus Christ. Fully and wholy set downe, both in Latine and Englishe ... With certaine annotations ... set forth by ... Peter Viret, and translated out of French ... by Tho(mas) Sto(cker) Gent.
pp. 256. Thomas Vautrollier, for Andrew Maunsell: London, 1584. 8o.
[18] Begin. Psalmes of David. (Of the Articles of the Faith.)
pp. 112. Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1587. 8o.
[19] A right comfortable Treatise conteining sundrye pointes of consolation for them that labour & are laden. Written ... to Prince Frederik, Duke of Saxonie, being sore sicke ... Englished by W. Gace. B.L.
LUTHER. Martin
pp. 84. Thomas Vautrollier: London, 1580. 8o.
[20] A Briefe Discourse of Royall Monarchie, as of the best Commonweale ... Wherunto is added by the same ... a Collection of Italian Proverbes, etc.
MERBURY. Charles
T. Vautrollier: London, 1581. 4o.