Books printed by Richard Field
Much has been made of the connection between William Shakespeare and his fellow Stratfordian, Richard Field. Richard Field went to London, was apprenticed to the printer Thomas Vautrollier, and in 1588 married Vautrollier's widow Jacqueline and took over the business. Here, writers such as Dave Kathman suggest, is the source of Shakespeare's remarkable knowledge of modern literature.
Here is the list of books known to be printed by the Vautrolliers and Richard Field, currently in the possession of the British Library. Though there are some Shakespearean sources, I don't think Kathman's argument is tenable.
Here are Richard Field's books. Books published by the Vautrolliers are listed separately.
[1] Aurora. Containing the first fancies of the author's youth, etc.
ALEXANDER. William. Earl of Stirling
Richard Field, for Edward Blount: London, 1604. 4o.
[2] A Paraenesis to the Prince [i.e. Henry, Prince of Wales].
ALEXANDER. William. Earl of Stirling
Richard Field for Ed. Blount: London, 1604. 4o.
[3] A Treasurie of Catechisme, or Christian Instruction. The first part, etc.
ALLEN. Robert. Minister of the Gospel
pp. 308. Richard Field for Thomas Man: London, 1600. 8o.
[4] Orlando Furioso in English Heroical Verse. By Iohn Haringto¯.
ARIOSTO. Lodovico
pp. 423. By Richard Field: London, 1591. fol.
[5] Orlando Furioso. Translated into English heroical verse by Sir John Harington, 1591. Edited with an introduction by Robert McNulty.
Now secondly imprinted, etc.
ARIOSTO. Lodovico
pp. 423. Richard Field: London, 1607. fol.
[6] A Sermon preached at the Court at Greenewich the XXIIII. of May, 1591. B.L.
BABINGTON. Gervase. successively Bishop of Llandaff, of Exeter, and of Worcester
pp. 37. Richard Field for Thomas Chard: London, 1591. 8o.
[7] The Methode of Phisicke, conteyning the causes, signes, and cures of inward diseases in mans body ... Whereunto is added, the forme and rule of making remedies and medicines, etc.
[Another edition.]
pp. 392. Richard Field: London, 1590. 4o.
[8] The Methode of Phisicke, conteyning the causes, signes, and cures of inward diseases in mans body ... Whereunto is added, the forme and rule of making remedies and medicines, etc.
The Third edition corrected and augmented,. with two other bookes newly added by the author.
pp. 484. Richard Field: London, 1596. 4o.
[9] The Methode of Phisicke, conteyning the causes, signes, and cures of inward diseases in mans body ... Whereunto is added, the forme and rule of making remedies and medicines, etc.
The fourth edition,. corrected and amended.
pp. 477. Richard Field: London, 1610. 4o.
[10] The Methode of Phisicke, conteyning the causes, signes, and cures of inward diseases in mans body ... Whereunto is added, the forme and rule of making remedies and medicines, etc.
The fifth edition,. corrected, etc.
pp. 479. Richard Field: London, 1617. 4o.
[11] The Methode of Phisicke, conteyning the causes, signes, and cures of inward diseases in mans body ... Whereunto is added, the forme and rule of making remedies and medicines, etc.
The sixth edition.
pp. 479. Richard Field: London, 1624. 4o.
[12] Two Godly and Fruitfull Treatises: the one, vpon the Lords Prayer: the other, vpon the sixe Principles, etc. [The editor's preface signed: E. C.]
pp. 276. Richard Field for Robert Mylbourne: London, 1619. 12o.
[13] Familiar dialogues, for the instructio¯ of them, that be desirous to learne to speake English ... Dialogues familiers ... Familier deialogs, etc.
BELLOT. Jacques
London: printed by Richard Field, 1622. Pages not numbered. 12o.
[14] A Commentarie upon the Fifteene Psalmes called Psalmi Graduum, that is, Psalmes of Degrees: Faithfully copied out of the Lectures of D. Martin Luther ... Translated out of Latine into English by Henry Bull. [With the text.] B.L.
pp. 318. by Richard Field: London, 1615. 4o.
[15] A Commentarie vpon the Booke of the Prouerbes of Salomon. Published for the edification of the Church of God. [The dedicatory epistle signed: P. M., i.e. Peter Muffett. With the text.]
pp. 321. Richard Field for Robert Dexter: London, 1592. 8o.
[16] Ecclesiastes, otherwise called the Preacher ... Compendiously abridged, and also paraphrastically dilated in English poesie, according to the analogie of Scripture, and consent of the most approued writer thereof. Composed by H. L. Gentleman (Henry Lok). Whereunto are annexed sundrie Sonets of Christian Passions heretofore printed, and now corrected and augmented, with other affectionate sonets of a feeling conscience of the same Authors. (Sonnets of the author to diuers, collected by the printer.)
pp. 117, 170. By Richard Field: London, 1597. 4o.
[17] A commentary vpon the Canticle of Canticles, written first in Italian by Antonio Brucioli, and now translated into English by Th. Iames, etc.
London: printed by R. F. [Richard Field] for Tho. Man, 1598. pp. 161. 8o.
[18] Daniel his Chaldie Visions and his Ebrew: both translated after the original: and expounded both, by reduction of heathen most famous stories vnto the exact proprietie of his wordes ... and by joyning all the Bible, and learned tongues to the frame of his worke. [By Hugh Broughton. With engravings.]
Richard Field, for William Young: London, 1596. 4o.
[19] An Exposition upon the Prophet Ionah. Contained in certaine sermons preached in S. Maries Church in Oxford. By George Abbot. [With the text.] Few MS. notes.
pp. 638. By Richard Field: London, 1600. 4o.
[20] An Exposition upon the Prophet Ionah. Contained in certaine sermons preached in S. Maries Church in Oxford. By George Abbot. [With the text.] Few MS. notes.
[Another edition.]
pp. 612. ii. Richard Field. London, 1613. 4o.
[21] Analysis logica Evangelii secundum Matthæum: una cum scholiis et observationibus locorum doctrinæ. Inserta est etiam passim refutatio sophismatum Roberti Bellarmini ... Authore M. Johan Piscatore, etc. [With the text.]
[Another edition.]
pp. 475. Excudebat R. F. [Richard Field] impensis B. Nortoni: Londini, 1594. 8o.
[22] [The Triumph of a True Christian described: or, an Explanation of the eight [sic] chapter of the Epistle ... to the Romans ... Delivered in sundrie sermons by Edward Elton, etc.] [With the text.]
pp. 890. [Richard Field, for Robert Mylbourne: London, 1623.] 4o.
[23] A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther vpon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Galathians ... Diligently reuised, corrected, and newly imprinted againe, etc.
[Another edition.]. B.L.
ff. 296. By Richard Field: London, 1603. 4o.
[24] A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther vpon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Galathians ... Diligently reuised, corrected, and newly imprinted againe, etc.
[Another edition.]. B.L.
ff. 296. By Richard Field: London, 1616. 4o.
[25] An Exposition vpon the first Chapter of the second Epistle of Peter ... By Stephen Denison. [With the text.]
pp. 200. Richard Field for Robert Mylbourne: London, 1622. 4o.
[26] Apocalypsis. A briefe and learned commentarie vpon the Reuelation of Saint Iohn ... applied vnto the historie of the Catholike and Christian Church. Written in Latin by M. Francis Iunius ... And translated into English, etc. [With the text.]
pp. 88. Richard Field for Robert Dextar: London, 1592. 8o.
[27] The Reuelation of Saint John the Apostle and Euangelist, with a briefe and learned Commentarie, written by Franc. Iunius, &c.
pp. 22. Richard Field for Robert Dexter: London, 1594. 4o.
[28] Sermons vpon the whole booke of the Reuelation. Set forth by George Gyffard. [With the text.]
[Another edition.]
pp. 454. By Richard Field & Felix Kingston: London, 1599. 8o.
[29] The Reuelation of Saint Iohn the Apostle and Euangelist. With a briefe and learned Commentarie, Written by Franc. Iunius, &c.
pp. 22. Richard Field for Robert Dexter: London, 1600. 4o.
[30] The Christians Concordance: containing the most materiall words in the New Testament, etc. [By Clement Cotton. With an address to the reader signed: D. V.]
Richard Field, for Nathanael Newbery: London, 1622. 4o.
[31] Natures Embassie: or, the Wilde-mans measures: danced naked by twelue satyres, with sundry others, etc. (The second section of diuine and morall satyres, etc.-The Shepheards Tales. [The second part.]-Omphale, or, the Inconstant shepheardesse.-His Odes: or, Philomels teares.) [In verse.]
pp. 263. [Printed by Richard Field] for Richard Whitaker: London, 1621. 8o.
[32] A Consolation for our Grammar Schooles: or, a Faithfull and most comfortable incouragement, for laying of a sure foundation of all good learning in our schooles, and for prosperous building thereupon, etc.
BRINSLEY. John. the Elder
pp. 84. Richard Field for Thomas Man: London, 1622. 4o.
[33] Ten Sermons vpon the first, second, third and fourth verses of the sixt of Mathew. Containing diuerse necessary and profitable treatises ... Whereunto is annexed another treatise called the Anatomie of Belial: set foorth in ten sermons vpon the 12. 13. 14. and 15. verses of the 6. Chapter of the Prouerbes of Salomon.
BURTON. William. Minister at Reading
pp. 255. Richard Field for Thomas Man: London, 1602. 4o.
[34] [The marrow of the oracles of god ... The third edition.]
BYFIELD. Nicholas
[London: printed by Richard Field, for Rafe Rounthwaite, 1622.] pp. 767. 12o.
[35] Institucion de la Religion Christiana; compuesta en quatro libros ... Nuevamente traduzida en Romance Castellano, por Cypriano de Valera.
pp. 1032. En casa de Ricardo del Campo [i.e. Richard Field: London], 1597. 4o.
[36] Aphorismes of Christian Religion: or, a verie compendious abridgement of M. I. Caluin's Institutions, set forth in short sentences methodically by M. I. Piscator: and now Englished according to the authors third and last edition, by H. Holland.
pp. 197. Imprinted by Richard Field & Robert Dexter: London, 1596. 8o.
[37] Obseruations in the Art of English Poesie ... Wherein it is demonstratiuely prooued, and by example confirmed, that the English toong will reveiue eight seuerall kinds of numbers, proper to it selfe, which are all in this booke set forth, and were neuer before his time by any man attempted.
pp. 43. Richard Field, for Andrew Wise: London, 1602. 8o.
[38] S??a ???t??. The Shadow of Night: containing two poeticall hymnes. Deuised by G. C. Gent. (G. Chapman.)
CHAPMAN. George. the Poet
R. F. [Richard Field] for William Ponsonby: London, 1594. 4o.
[39] A True Discourse of the Discomfiture of the Duke of Aumalle, with his troupes of horsmen in Picardie, by the Duke of Longueville. Also other troupes of men discomfited in Beausse, by the Lord of Chastillon: together with the king of Nauarre his letters to the inhabitants of Orleans. [Translated from the French.] B.L.
CHARLES [of Lorraine], Duke d'Aumale
pp. [21.] Richard Field: London, 1589. 4o.
[40] [Loues Martyr.] The Anuals [sic] of great Brittaine. Or, a Most Excellent Monument, wherein may be seene all the antiquities of this Kingdom ... Excellently figured out in a worthy Poem. (Hereafter follow diuerse Poeticall Essaies on the former Subiect; viz: the Turtle and Phœnix. Done by the best and chiefest of our moderne writers, etc. [Poems by William Shakespeare, John Marston, George Chapman and Ben Jonson.])
CHESTER. Robert. Poet
pp. 183. [Richard Field] for Mathew Lownes: London, 1611. 4o.
[41] Christian Praiers and Consolations gathered out of sundrie places of the holie Scripture, & learned writings of the ancient Fathers. Translated out of French into English by George Chapelin.
Richard Field for Robert Dexter: [London,] 1601. 32o.
[42] A Soueraigne Salue for a Sick Soule ... Englished by W. F. [Extracted from Chytraeus's "Regulae vitae."] B.L.
CHYTRAEUS. David. the Elder
Richard Field: London, 1590. 8o.
[43] [Annales Sacrae Scripturae.] Chronographia. A Description of time, from the beginning of the world, vnto the yeare of our Lord, 137 ... Wherein the seueral histories, both of the Old and new Testament are briefly comprised ... Collected out of sundrie authors, but for the greatest part, abridged and translated out of L. Codomannus his Annales sacræ scripturæ. The second edition corrected and augmented.
CODOMANNUS. Laurentius
pp. 87. Richard Field, for Robert Dexter: London, 1590. 8o.
[44] [Annales Sacrae Scripturae.] Chronographia. A Description of time, from the beginning of the world, vnto the yeare of our Lord, 137 ... Wherein the seueral histories, both of the Old and new Testament are briefly comprised ... Collected out of sundrie authors, but for the greatest part, abridged and translated out of L. Codomannus his Annales sacræ scripturæ. The second edition corrected and augmented.
The third edition, etc.
CODOMANNUS. Laurentius
pp. 98. Richard Field, for Robert Dexter: London, 1596. 8o.
[45] The Hauen of Health. Chiefely gathered for the comfort of students, and consequently of all those that haue a care of their health ... Hereunto is added a Preseruation from the Pestilence, with a short Censure of the late sicknes at Oxford. B.L.
[Another edition.]. B.L. Few MS. notes.
COGAN. Thomas. Fellow of Oriel College
pp. 275. Richard Field for Bonham Norton: London, 1596. 4o.
[46] A Just Defence of the Slandered Priestes: wherein the reasons of their bearing off to receiue Maister Blackwell to their Superior before the ariuall of his Holines Breue, are layed downe, and the imputation of disobedience, ambition, contention, scandall &c is ... remoued, the objection of the aduerse part sufficiently answered, and the Popes sentence in the controuersie truly related.
pp. 303. [Richard Field: London,] 1602. 4o.
[47] Another letter of Mr A. C. [i.e. Anthony Copley] to his dis-Iesuited kinseman, concerning the appeale, state, Iesuites. Also a third letter of his, apologeticall for himselfe against the calumnies contained against him in a certaine Iesuiticall libell, intituled, A manifestation of folly and bad spirit, &c. [by Robert Persons].
COPLEY. Anthony
[London: Richard Field,] 1602. pp. 83. 4o.
[48] A Briefe Discourse Dialoguewise, shewing how false & dangerous their reports are, which affirme, the Spaniards intended inuasion to be, for the reestablishment of the Romish religion; for her Maiesties succors giuen to the Netherlanders, and for Sir Frances Drakes enterprise three years past into the West Indies.
DAUNCE. Edward
pp. 26. Imprinted by Richard Field: London, 1590. 4o.
[49] A Briefe Discourse of the Spanish State, with a dialogue annexed intituled Philobasilis.
DAUNCE. Edward
pp. 52. Imprinted by Richard Field: London, 1590. 4o.
[50] Nosce teipsum. This oracle expounded in two elegies. 1. Of humane knowledge. 2. Of the soule of man, and the immortalitie thereof. Few MS. notes.
DAVIES. Sir. John. Poet and Lawyer
pp. 64. 85-101. Richard Field for Iohn Standish: London, 1599. 4o.
[51] Nosce teipsum. This oracle expounded in two elegies. 1. Of humane knowledge. 2. Of the soule of man, and the immortalitie thereof. Few MS. notes.
[Another edition.]. Newly corrected and amended.
DAVIES. Sir. John. Poet and Lawyer
pp. 66. 87-101. Richard Field for Iohn Standish: London, 1602. 4o.
[52] Tobacco tortured, or, the Filthie fume of tobacco refined: shewing all sorts of subiects, that the inward taking of tobacco fumes, is very pernicious vnto their bodies; too too profluuious for many of their purses; and most pestiferous to the publike state. Exemplified apparently by most fearefull effects: more especially, from their treacherous proiects about the Gun-Poweder Treason; from their rebellious attempts of late, about their preposterous disparking of certaine inclosures: as also, from sundry other their prodigious practices. [A dialogue. With verses.]
DEACON. John. Minister
pp. 194. Richard Field: London, 1616. 4o.
[53] A Booke containing diuers sortes of hands, as well the English as French secretarie with the Italian, Roman, Chancelry & court hands. Also the true & iust proportio¯ of the capitall Roma¯e. [Adapted from "Le Thre´sor d'escripture" of J. de Beauchesne. With introductory verses entitled "Rules made by E. B. for his Children to learne to write bye."]
[Another edition.]. A Booke containing diuers sortes of hands, as well the English as French secretarie with the Italian, Roman, Chancelry, & court hands. Also the true & iust proportio¯ of the capitall Roma¯e.
Imprinted by Richard Field: London, [1615?] 8o.
[54] A Defence of Tabacco [by Roger Marbecke]: with a friendly answer to the late printed booke called a Worke for Chimny-Sweepers &c. [of which the author's prefatory verses are signed: J. H.]
pp. 70. Richard Field, for Thomas Man: London, 1602. 4o.
[55] A Three-Fold Resolution, verie necessarie to saluation. Describing Earths vanitie, Hels horror, Heauens felicitie.
pp. 580. Richard Field for Iohn Norton: London, 1608. 12o.
[56] A Compendious Catechisme: wherein are briefly expounded, the Apostles Creed, the Ten Commandements and the Lords Prayer, together with other fundamentall points of Christian religion, very necessarie for children and seruants to learne, before they go to the Holy Communion ... The third impression enlarged. B.L.
DENISON. Stephen
pp. 50. Richard Field: London, 1621. 8o.
[57] The Monument or Tombe-Stone: or, a Sermon preached at Laurence Pountnies Church in London, Nouemb. 21. 1619. at the funerall of Mrs. Elizabeth Iuxon ... The second impression.
DENISON. Stephen
pp. 124. Richard Field: London, 1620. 8o.
[58] The Monument or Tombe-Stone: or, a Sermon preached at Laurence Pountnies Church in London, Nouemb. 21. 1619. at the funerall of Mrs. Elizabeth Iuxon ... The second impression.
[Another edition.] The third impression.
DENISON. Stephen
pp. 124. Richard Field: London, 1620. 8o.
[59] An Arithmeticall Militare Treatise, named Stratioticos: Compendiously teaching the Science of Nu¯bers, as well in Fractions as Integers, and so much of the Rules and Æquations Algebraicall and Arte of Numbers Cossicall, as are requisite for the Profession of a Soldiour. Together with the Moderne Militare Discipline, Offices, Lawes and Dueties in euery wel gouerned Campe and Armie to be obserued: Long since atte¯pted by L. Digges ... Augmented, digested, and lately finished, by Thomas Digges, his Sonne. Whereto he hath also adioyned certaine Questions of Great Ordinaunce, resolued in his other Treatize of Pyrotechny and great Artillerie, hereafter to bee published. [With folding plates.] B.L.
[Another edition.]. An Arithmetical warlike treatise named Stratioticos ... First published by T. Digges [or, rather, enlarged and completed by T. Digges from a work by Leonard Digges] ... lately reuiewed and corrected by the author himselfe, and also augmented with sundry additions, etc. B.L.
DIGGES. Leonard. the Elder
pp. 380. Richard Field: London, 1590. 4o.
[60] A Plaine and Familiar Exposition of the Ten Commandements ... The fifteenth edition, etc.
DOD. John. and CLEAVER (Robert)
pp. 365. Printed by Richard Field, for Thomas Man: London, 1622. 4o.
[61] The Copie of a Letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza, Ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine, declaring the state of England ... Found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh ... [By William Cecil, Baron Burghley.] Whereunto are adioyned certaine late Aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish Nauie, etc. B.L.
2 pt. I. Vautrollier for Richard Field: London, 1588. 4o.
[62] Certaine aduertisements out of Ireland, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish Nauie ... 1588.
[Another edition.]
I. Vautrollier for Richard Field: London, 1588. 4o.
[63] The Reformed Politicke. That, is an apologie for the generall cause of Reformation, written against the sclaunders of the Pope and the League ... Whereto is adioyned a discourse vpon the death of the Duke of Guise, prosecuting the argument of the booke.
pp. 90. Richard Field: London, 1589. 4o.
[64] Phrases Francoises: fort necessaires pour ceux qui apprennent a` parler francois, en forme de question.
pp. 56. Richard Field: Londres, 1624. 8o.
[65] The French Schoolemaister ... First collected by Mr. C. H. [Claudius Hollyband, i.e. C. de Sainliens] and now newly corrected and amended by P. Erondelle.
H.. C.
ff. 157. Richard Field for Clement Knight: London, 1623. 8o.
[66] The Anatomie of Vrines. Containing the conuiction and condemnation of them. Or, the second part of our discourse of vrines. Detecting and vnfolding the manifold falshoods and abuses committed by the vulgar sort of practitioners, in the iudgement of diseases by the vrines onely, etc.
HART. James. M.D., of Northampton
pp. 127. Richard Field for Robert Mylbourne: London, 1625. 4o.
[67] The Oration and Declaration of the French King, Henry the fourth ... Vttered out of his owne mouth, to the Lords and Gentlemen of his Armie, before the Citie of Paris, the eight day of this present moneth of August 1590. B.L.
HENRY IV., King of France
pp. 6. Printed by Richard Field for Iohn B[owen]; to be sold by Humfrey Lownes: London, 1590. 4o.
[68] Les Funerailles de Sodome et de ses filles, descriptes en vingt sermons, etc.
LE MAC¸ON. Robert. called De La Fontaine
pp. 403. Richard Field: Londres, 1600. 8o.
[69] Come and see. The Blisse of brightest beautie: shining out of Sion in perfect glorie. Being the summe of foure sermons preached in the Cathedrall Church of Glocester at commandment of superiours.
LOE. William. the Elder
pp. 57. Imprinted by Richard Field for Mathew Law: London, 1614. 4o.
[70] A treatise named Lucarsolace deuided into fovver bookes, which in part are collected out of diuerse authors in diuerse languages, and in part deuised by Cyprian Lucar Gentleman.
LUCAR. Cyprian
London: imprinted by Richard Field for Iohn Harrison, 1590. pp. 167: plates. 4o.
[71] The Christians Combat: wherein is set downe that daungerous fight wherunto all the faithfull and elect children of God are called, with a most sure hope of victorie ouer all their enemies in Christ their Captaine, and Generall of the Lords hostes: First written in French by P. M. [i.e. Pierre Merlin] and now Englished by G. C. [i.e. George Chapelin.]
M.. P.
pp. 284. Richard Field for Robert Dexter: London, 1591. 12o.
[72] The Popes Parliament, containing a pleasant and delightful historie, wherein are thoroughly deliuered and brightly blazed out the paltry trash of him and his pelting prelats ... Whereunto is annexed an Anatomie of Pope Ioane, more apparantly opening her whole life and storie. B.L.
MAYO. John. Author of the Pope's Parliament
pp. 41. Richard Field: London, 1591. 4o.
[73] Satans Sophistrie answered by Our Sauiour Christ, and in diuers sermons further manifested ... To which is added, a Comfort for the feeble minded, etc. [The Epistle dedicatorie signed: Robert Hill.]
PERKINS. William. Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge
pp. 186. Printed by Richard Field for E. E. [Eleazar Edgar]: London, 1604. 8o.
[74] The Lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes, compared together by ... Plutarke of Chæronea: translated out of Greeke into French by J. Amyot, ... Bishop of Auxerre ..., and out of French into Englishe by T. North. (The Lives of Annibal and Scipio African [by D. Acciajuoli], translated into French by C. de la Sluce, and Englished by T. North.)
[Another issue.]. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romanes, etc.
Imprinted by Richard Field for Thomas Wight: London, 1595. fol.
[75] The French Littelton. A most easie, perfecte, and absolute way to learne the French tongue. Set forth by Claudius Holyband [i.e. Claude de Sainliens].
SAINLIENS. Claude de
London: imprinted by Richard Field, 1591. pp. 222. 16o.
[76] The French Littelton: a most easy, perfect, and absolute way to learne the French tongue: set forth by Claudius Holyband.
SAINLIENS. Claude de
pp. 222. Richard Field: London, 1593. 8o.
[77] The French Littelton. A most, easie, perfect, and absolute way to learne the French tongue. Set forth by Claudius Holyband [i.e. Claude de Sainliens].
SAINLIENS. Claude de
London: printed by Richard Field, 1609. pp. 223. 16o.
[78] The French schoole-maister ... First collected by Mr. C. H. [Claudius Holyband, i.e. Claude de Sainliens] and now newly corrected and amended by P. Erondelle.
SAINLIENS. Claude de
London: printed by Richard Field for Clement Knight, 1615. ff. 157. 8o.
[79] A Treatise for Declining of Verbes ... Set forth by Claudius Holliband [i.e. C. de Sainliens].
SAINLIENS. Claude de
pp. 151. Printed by Richard Field: London, 1604. 8o.
[80] The Principles of Arithmeticke ... Together with the Art of Allegation: First written in Latine by B. Salignacke, and now Englished by W. Bedwell. B.L.
pp. 134. Richard Field: London, 1616. 8o.
[81] De Numeris Geometricis. Of the nature and proprieties of geometricall numbers ... Englished, enlarged and illustrated with diuers ... tables and obseruations ... All teaching the fabricke, demonstration and vse of a singular Instrument, or Rular ... inuented and perfitted by Thomas Bedwell. [With a diagram.]
pp. 82. Richard Field: London, 1614. 4o.
[82] Lucrece.
Printed by Richard Field, for Iohn Harrison: London, 1594. 4o.
[83] Venus and Adonis. Vilia miretur vulgus: mihi flauus Apollo. Pocula Castalia plena ministret aqua.
Imprinted by Richard Field, and are to be sold [by John Harrison] at the signe of the white Greyhound in Paules Church-yard: London, 1594. 4o.
[84] Rime.
UBALDINI. Petruccio
[Richard Field? London? 1596.] 4o.
[85] A Decacordon of Ten Quodlibeticall questions concerning Religion and State: wherein the authour framing himselfe a quilibet to euery quodlibet, decides an hundred crosse interrogatorie doubts, about the generall contentions betwixt the seminarie priests and Iesuits at this present.
WATSON. William. Secular Priest and Conspirator
pp. 361. [Richard Field: London,] 1602. 4o.
[86] Two Sermons: the former deliuered at Pauls Crosse the foure and twentieth of March, 1615, being the anniuersarie commemoration of the Kings most happie succession ... The latter at the Spittle on Monday in Easter weeke, 1613.
WHITE. John. D.D., Minister at Eccles
pp. 85. Richard Field for William Barret: London, 1615. 4o.
[87] The Way to the True Church ... The fourth impression, to which is annexed the Author's Protestation made upon his deathbed, touching his opinion in the present controuersies. MS. notes.
WHITE. John. D.D., Minister at Eccles
pp. 456. Richard Field for Iohn Bill and William Barret: London, 1616. 4o.
[88] [Elementa arithmeticæ.] The Elements of Arithmeticke most methodically deliuered. Written in Latine by C. Vrstitius ... and translated by Thomas Hood, etc.
WURSTISEN. Christian
pp. 216. Printed by Richard Field: London, 1596. 8o.
[89] The method of phisick, containing the causes, signes, and cures of inward diseases in mans body, from the head to the foote ... The third edition, corrected and amended.
London: imprinted by Richard field, 1601. pp. 476. 4o.
[90] The historie of the church. The second part. Containing a discouerie of the noueltie of Popish religion ... Digested into 34. Treatises. By ... Patrick Symson ..
Symson. Patrick. of Perth
London: printed by Richard Field, for Nathanael Newberie ..., 1625. [12],480p. (4o); 19cm
[91] Dos tratados. El primero es del Papa y de su autoridad colegido de su vida y dotrina, y de lo que los dotores y concilios antiguos y la misma sagrada Escritura ensen-an. El segundo es de la Missa recopilado de los dotores y concilios y de la sagrada Escritura. [Signed: C. D. V., i.e. Cipriano de Valera.]
Segunda edicion, augmentada por el mismo autor.. [Signed: C. D. V.]
VALERA. Cipriano de
[London:] Ricardo del Campo [i.e. Richard Field], 1599. pp. 610: plates. 8o.
[92] Brief Treatise of the use of the Globe Celestiall and Terrestriall: wherein is set downe the principles of the mathematicks. ... By R. T. [i.e. Robert Tanner.]
T.. R.
pp. 56. Richard Field, for Thomas Man: London, 1620. 8o.
[93] Annales des choses qui se sont passees en Angleterre et Irlande soubs le regne de Elizabeth: iusques a l'an de salut M.D.LXXXIX. Traduites en langue françoise par P. De Bellegent, etc.
CAMDEN. William. the Antiquary
pp. 521. Richard Field: Londres, 1624. 4o.
[94] Balthasaris Castilionis comitis, De Curiali siue Aulico, libri quatuor, interprete Bartholomæo Clerke ... ex Italico sermone in Latinum conuersi. Quibus accessit De Aula dialogus Gulielmi Insulani Menapii ... In quo partim refelluntur e deriuantur, partim attenuantur criminationes in Aulam Æniæ Syluii, e Vlderici Hutteni. Cum indice accurato et copioso.
[Another edition.]. Quibus additus est in fine Aula Dialogus (Gulielmi Insulani Menapij) ... Editio ... reuisa, emendata a` multis mendis repurgata.
CASTIGLIONE. Baldassare. Count
pp. 295. Ex officina Thomæ Adams; [printed by Richard Field]: Londini, 1612. 8o.
[95] The French Littelton: a most easy, perfect, and absolute way to learne the French tongue, etc.
SAINLIENS. Claude de
pp. 181. Richard Field: London, 1597. 12o.
[96] The French Littelton: a most easy perfect, and absolute way to learne the French tongue. Set forth by Claudius Holyband.
SAINLIENS. Claude de
London: printed by Richard Field, 1602. pp. 223. 16o.
[97] The French schoole-maister ... First collected by Mr C. H. [i.e. Claudius Hollyband, pseudonym of Claude de Sainliens] and now newly corrected and amended by P. Erondelle.
SAINLIENS. Claude de
London: printed by Richard Field for Clement Knight, 1609. pp. 157. 8o.
[98] A treatise for declining of verbes, which may be called the second chiefest worke of the French tongue. Set foorth by Claudius Hollyband [i.e. Claude de Sainliens].
SAINLIENS. Claude de
London: imprinted by Richard Field, 1590. pp. 150. 8o.
[99] The French schoole-maister ... First collected by Mr. C. H. [Claude Holyband, i.e. C. de Sainliens] and now newly corrected and amended by P. Erondelle, etc.
H.. C.
London: printed by Richard Field for Clement Knight, 1619. ff. 157. 8o.
[100] The Arte of English Poesie. Contrived into three Bookes: the first of Poets and Poesie, the second of Proportion, the third of Ornament. [By G. Puttenham.]
London: printed by Richard Field. 1589. pp. 25. [258.] 4o.
[101] S. Peters complaint. And Saint Mary Magdalens funerall teares. With sundry other selected, and deuout poems. By R. S. of the Society of Iesus [i.e. Robert Southwell].
[Another edition. Signed: R. S.]. St. Peters Complainte ... Wth other workes of the author R. S. [i.e. Robert Southwell], etc. [Edited by W. Barret.]
London: printed [by Richard Field?] for W. Barrett, 1620. Pages not numbered. 12o.
[102] Basilikon Doron, etc.
JAMES I., King of Great Britain and Ireland
pp. 154. Richard Field, for John Norton: London, 1603. 8o.
Here is the list of books known to be printed by the Vautrolliers and Richard Field, currently in the possession of the British Library. Though there are some Shakespearean sources, I don't think Kathman's argument is tenable.
Here are Richard Field's books. Books published by the Vautrolliers are listed separately.
[1] Aurora. Containing the first fancies of the author's youth, etc.
ALEXANDER. William. Earl of Stirling
Richard Field, for Edward Blount: London, 1604. 4o.
[2] A Paraenesis to the Prince [i.e. Henry, Prince of Wales].
ALEXANDER. William. Earl of Stirling
Richard Field for Ed. Blount: London, 1604. 4o.
[3] A Treasurie of Catechisme, or Christian Instruction. The first part, etc.
ALLEN. Robert. Minister of the Gospel
pp. 308. Richard Field for Thomas Man: London, 1600. 8o.
[4] Orlando Furioso in English Heroical Verse. By Iohn Haringto¯.
ARIOSTO. Lodovico
pp. 423. By Richard Field: London, 1591. fol.
[5] Orlando Furioso. Translated into English heroical verse by Sir John Harington, 1591. Edited with an introduction by Robert McNulty.
Now secondly imprinted, etc.
ARIOSTO. Lodovico
pp. 423. Richard Field: London, 1607. fol.
[6] A Sermon preached at the Court at Greenewich the XXIIII. of May, 1591. B.L.
BABINGTON. Gervase. successively Bishop of Llandaff, of Exeter, and of Worcester
pp. 37. Richard Field for Thomas Chard: London, 1591. 8o.
[7] The Methode of Phisicke, conteyning the causes, signes, and cures of inward diseases in mans body ... Whereunto is added, the forme and rule of making remedies and medicines, etc.
[Another edition.]
pp. 392. Richard Field: London, 1590. 4o.
[8] The Methode of Phisicke, conteyning the causes, signes, and cures of inward diseases in mans body ... Whereunto is added, the forme and rule of making remedies and medicines, etc.
The Third edition corrected and augmented,. with two other bookes newly added by the author.
pp. 484. Richard Field: London, 1596. 4o.
[9] The Methode of Phisicke, conteyning the causes, signes, and cures of inward diseases in mans body ... Whereunto is added, the forme and rule of making remedies and medicines, etc.
The fourth edition,. corrected and amended.
pp. 477. Richard Field: London, 1610. 4o.
[10] The Methode of Phisicke, conteyning the causes, signes, and cures of inward diseases in mans body ... Whereunto is added, the forme and rule of making remedies and medicines, etc.
The fifth edition,. corrected, etc.
pp. 479. Richard Field: London, 1617. 4o.
[11] The Methode of Phisicke, conteyning the causes, signes, and cures of inward diseases in mans body ... Whereunto is added, the forme and rule of making remedies and medicines, etc.
The sixth edition.
pp. 479. Richard Field: London, 1624. 4o.
[12] Two Godly and Fruitfull Treatises: the one, vpon the Lords Prayer: the other, vpon the sixe Principles, etc. [The editor's preface signed: E. C.]
pp. 276. Richard Field for Robert Mylbourne: London, 1619. 12o.
[13] Familiar dialogues, for the instructio¯ of them, that be desirous to learne to speake English ... Dialogues familiers ... Familier deialogs, etc.
BELLOT. Jacques
London: printed by Richard Field, 1622. Pages not numbered. 12o.
[14] A Commentarie upon the Fifteene Psalmes called Psalmi Graduum, that is, Psalmes of Degrees: Faithfully copied out of the Lectures of D. Martin Luther ... Translated out of Latine into English by Henry Bull. [With the text.] B.L.
pp. 318. by Richard Field: London, 1615. 4o.
[15] A Commentarie vpon the Booke of the Prouerbes of Salomon. Published for the edification of the Church of God. [The dedicatory epistle signed: P. M., i.e. Peter Muffett. With the text.]
pp. 321. Richard Field for Robert Dexter: London, 1592. 8o.
[16] Ecclesiastes, otherwise called the Preacher ... Compendiously abridged, and also paraphrastically dilated in English poesie, according to the analogie of Scripture, and consent of the most approued writer thereof. Composed by H. L. Gentleman (Henry Lok). Whereunto are annexed sundrie Sonets of Christian Passions heretofore printed, and now corrected and augmented, with other affectionate sonets of a feeling conscience of the same Authors. (Sonnets of the author to diuers, collected by the printer.)
pp. 117, 170. By Richard Field: London, 1597. 4o.
[17] A commentary vpon the Canticle of Canticles, written first in Italian by Antonio Brucioli, and now translated into English by Th. Iames, etc.
London: printed by R. F. [Richard Field] for Tho. Man, 1598. pp. 161. 8o.
[18] Daniel his Chaldie Visions and his Ebrew: both translated after the original: and expounded both, by reduction of heathen most famous stories vnto the exact proprietie of his wordes ... and by joyning all the Bible, and learned tongues to the frame of his worke. [By Hugh Broughton. With engravings.]
Richard Field, for William Young: London, 1596. 4o.
[19] An Exposition upon the Prophet Ionah. Contained in certaine sermons preached in S. Maries Church in Oxford. By George Abbot. [With the text.] Few MS. notes.
pp. 638. By Richard Field: London, 1600. 4o.
[20] An Exposition upon the Prophet Ionah. Contained in certaine sermons preached in S. Maries Church in Oxford. By George Abbot. [With the text.] Few MS. notes.
[Another edition.]
pp. 612. ii. Richard Field. London, 1613. 4o.
[21] Analysis logica Evangelii secundum Matthæum: una cum scholiis et observationibus locorum doctrinæ. Inserta est etiam passim refutatio sophismatum Roberti Bellarmini ... Authore M. Johan Piscatore, etc. [With the text.]
[Another edition.]
pp. 475. Excudebat R. F. [Richard Field] impensis B. Nortoni: Londini, 1594. 8o.
[22] [The Triumph of a True Christian described: or, an Explanation of the eight [sic] chapter of the Epistle ... to the Romans ... Delivered in sundrie sermons by Edward Elton, etc.] [With the text.]
pp. 890. [Richard Field, for Robert Mylbourne: London, 1623.] 4o.
[23] A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther vpon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Galathians ... Diligently reuised, corrected, and newly imprinted againe, etc.
[Another edition.]. B.L.
ff. 296. By Richard Field: London, 1603. 4o.
[24] A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther vpon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Galathians ... Diligently reuised, corrected, and newly imprinted againe, etc.
[Another edition.]. B.L.
ff. 296. By Richard Field: London, 1616. 4o.
[25] An Exposition vpon the first Chapter of the second Epistle of Peter ... By Stephen Denison. [With the text.]
pp. 200. Richard Field for Robert Mylbourne: London, 1622. 4o.
[26] Apocalypsis. A briefe and learned commentarie vpon the Reuelation of Saint Iohn ... applied vnto the historie of the Catholike and Christian Church. Written in Latin by M. Francis Iunius ... And translated into English, etc. [With the text.]
pp. 88. Richard Field for Robert Dextar: London, 1592. 8o.
[27] The Reuelation of Saint John the Apostle and Euangelist, with a briefe and learned Commentarie, written by Franc. Iunius, &c.
pp. 22. Richard Field for Robert Dexter: London, 1594. 4o.
[28] Sermons vpon the whole booke of the Reuelation. Set forth by George Gyffard. [With the text.]
[Another edition.]
pp. 454. By Richard Field & Felix Kingston: London, 1599. 8o.
[29] The Reuelation of Saint Iohn the Apostle and Euangelist. With a briefe and learned Commentarie, Written by Franc. Iunius, &c.
pp. 22. Richard Field for Robert Dexter: London, 1600. 4o.
[30] The Christians Concordance: containing the most materiall words in the New Testament, etc. [By Clement Cotton. With an address to the reader signed: D. V.]
Richard Field, for Nathanael Newbery: London, 1622. 4o.
[31] Natures Embassie: or, the Wilde-mans measures: danced naked by twelue satyres, with sundry others, etc. (The second section of diuine and morall satyres, etc.-The Shepheards Tales. [The second part.]-Omphale, or, the Inconstant shepheardesse.-His Odes: or, Philomels teares.) [In verse.]
pp. 263. [Printed by Richard Field] for Richard Whitaker: London, 1621. 8o.
[32] A Consolation for our Grammar Schooles: or, a Faithfull and most comfortable incouragement, for laying of a sure foundation of all good learning in our schooles, and for prosperous building thereupon, etc.
BRINSLEY. John. the Elder
pp. 84. Richard Field for Thomas Man: London, 1622. 4o.
[33] Ten Sermons vpon the first, second, third and fourth verses of the sixt of Mathew. Containing diuerse necessary and profitable treatises ... Whereunto is annexed another treatise called the Anatomie of Belial: set foorth in ten sermons vpon the 12. 13. 14. and 15. verses of the 6. Chapter of the Prouerbes of Salomon.
BURTON. William. Minister at Reading
pp. 255. Richard Field for Thomas Man: London, 1602. 4o.
[34] [The marrow of the oracles of god ... The third edition.]
BYFIELD. Nicholas
[London: printed by Richard Field, for Rafe Rounthwaite, 1622.] pp. 767. 12o.
[35] Institucion de la Religion Christiana; compuesta en quatro libros ... Nuevamente traduzida en Romance Castellano, por Cypriano de Valera.
pp. 1032. En casa de Ricardo del Campo [i.e. Richard Field: London], 1597. 4o.
[36] Aphorismes of Christian Religion: or, a verie compendious abridgement of M. I. Caluin's Institutions, set forth in short sentences methodically by M. I. Piscator: and now Englished according to the authors third and last edition, by H. Holland.
pp. 197. Imprinted by Richard Field & Robert Dexter: London, 1596. 8o.
[37] Obseruations in the Art of English Poesie ... Wherein it is demonstratiuely prooued, and by example confirmed, that the English toong will reveiue eight seuerall kinds of numbers, proper to it selfe, which are all in this booke set forth, and were neuer before his time by any man attempted.
pp. 43. Richard Field, for Andrew Wise: London, 1602. 8o.
[38] S??a ???t??. The Shadow of Night: containing two poeticall hymnes. Deuised by G. C. Gent. (G. Chapman.)
CHAPMAN. George. the Poet
R. F. [Richard Field] for William Ponsonby: London, 1594. 4o.
[39] A True Discourse of the Discomfiture of the Duke of Aumalle, with his troupes of horsmen in Picardie, by the Duke of Longueville. Also other troupes of men discomfited in Beausse, by the Lord of Chastillon: together with the king of Nauarre his letters to the inhabitants of Orleans. [Translated from the French.] B.L.
CHARLES [of Lorraine], Duke d'Aumale
pp. [21.] Richard Field: London, 1589. 4o.
[40] [Loues Martyr.] The Anuals [sic] of great Brittaine. Or, a Most Excellent Monument, wherein may be seene all the antiquities of this Kingdom ... Excellently figured out in a worthy Poem. (Hereafter follow diuerse Poeticall Essaies on the former Subiect; viz: the Turtle and Phœnix. Done by the best and chiefest of our moderne writers, etc. [Poems by William Shakespeare, John Marston, George Chapman and Ben Jonson.])
CHESTER. Robert. Poet
pp. 183. [Richard Field] for Mathew Lownes: London, 1611. 4o.
[41] Christian Praiers and Consolations gathered out of sundrie places of the holie Scripture, & learned writings of the ancient Fathers. Translated out of French into English by George Chapelin.
Richard Field for Robert Dexter: [London,] 1601. 32o.
[42] A Soueraigne Salue for a Sick Soule ... Englished by W. F. [Extracted from Chytraeus's "Regulae vitae."] B.L.
CHYTRAEUS. David. the Elder
Richard Field: London, 1590. 8o.
[43] [Annales Sacrae Scripturae.] Chronographia. A Description of time, from the beginning of the world, vnto the yeare of our Lord, 137 ... Wherein the seueral histories, both of the Old and new Testament are briefly comprised ... Collected out of sundrie authors, but for the greatest part, abridged and translated out of L. Codomannus his Annales sacræ scripturæ. The second edition corrected and augmented.
CODOMANNUS. Laurentius
pp. 87. Richard Field, for Robert Dexter: London, 1590. 8o.
[44] [Annales Sacrae Scripturae.] Chronographia. A Description of time, from the beginning of the world, vnto the yeare of our Lord, 137 ... Wherein the seueral histories, both of the Old and new Testament are briefly comprised ... Collected out of sundrie authors, but for the greatest part, abridged and translated out of L. Codomannus his Annales sacræ scripturæ. The second edition corrected and augmented.
The third edition, etc.
CODOMANNUS. Laurentius
pp. 98. Richard Field, for Robert Dexter: London, 1596. 8o.
[45] The Hauen of Health. Chiefely gathered for the comfort of students, and consequently of all those that haue a care of their health ... Hereunto is added a Preseruation from the Pestilence, with a short Censure of the late sicknes at Oxford. B.L.
[Another edition.]. B.L. Few MS. notes.
COGAN. Thomas. Fellow of Oriel College
pp. 275. Richard Field for Bonham Norton: London, 1596. 4o.
[46] A Just Defence of the Slandered Priestes: wherein the reasons of their bearing off to receiue Maister Blackwell to their Superior before the ariuall of his Holines Breue, are layed downe, and the imputation of disobedience, ambition, contention, scandall &c is ... remoued, the objection of the aduerse part sufficiently answered, and the Popes sentence in the controuersie truly related.
pp. 303. [Richard Field: London,] 1602. 4o.
[47] Another letter of Mr A. C. [i.e. Anthony Copley] to his dis-Iesuited kinseman, concerning the appeale, state, Iesuites. Also a third letter of his, apologeticall for himselfe against the calumnies contained against him in a certaine Iesuiticall libell, intituled, A manifestation of folly and bad spirit, &c. [by Robert Persons].
COPLEY. Anthony
[London: Richard Field,] 1602. pp. 83. 4o.
[48] A Briefe Discourse Dialoguewise, shewing how false & dangerous their reports are, which affirme, the Spaniards intended inuasion to be, for the reestablishment of the Romish religion; for her Maiesties succors giuen to the Netherlanders, and for Sir Frances Drakes enterprise three years past into the West Indies.
DAUNCE. Edward
pp. 26. Imprinted by Richard Field: London, 1590. 4o.
[49] A Briefe Discourse of the Spanish State, with a dialogue annexed intituled Philobasilis.
DAUNCE. Edward
pp. 52. Imprinted by Richard Field: London, 1590. 4o.
[50] Nosce teipsum. This oracle expounded in two elegies. 1. Of humane knowledge. 2. Of the soule of man, and the immortalitie thereof. Few MS. notes.
DAVIES. Sir. John. Poet and Lawyer
pp. 64. 85-101. Richard Field for Iohn Standish: London, 1599. 4o.
[51] Nosce teipsum. This oracle expounded in two elegies. 1. Of humane knowledge. 2. Of the soule of man, and the immortalitie thereof. Few MS. notes.
[Another edition.]. Newly corrected and amended.
DAVIES. Sir. John. Poet and Lawyer
pp. 66. 87-101. Richard Field for Iohn Standish: London, 1602. 4o.
[52] Tobacco tortured, or, the Filthie fume of tobacco refined: shewing all sorts of subiects, that the inward taking of tobacco fumes, is very pernicious vnto their bodies; too too profluuious for many of their purses; and most pestiferous to the publike state. Exemplified apparently by most fearefull effects: more especially, from their treacherous proiects about the Gun-Poweder Treason; from their rebellious attempts of late, about their preposterous disparking of certaine inclosures: as also, from sundry other their prodigious practices. [A dialogue. With verses.]
DEACON. John. Minister
pp. 194. Richard Field: London, 1616. 4o.
[53] A Booke containing diuers sortes of hands, as well the English as French secretarie with the Italian, Roman, Chancelry & court hands. Also the true & iust proportio¯ of the capitall Roma¯e. [Adapted from "Le Thre´sor d'escripture" of J. de Beauchesne. With introductory verses entitled "Rules made by E. B. for his Children to learne to write bye."]
[Another edition.]. A Booke containing diuers sortes of hands, as well the English as French secretarie with the Italian, Roman, Chancelry, & court hands. Also the true & iust proportio¯ of the capitall Roma¯e.
Imprinted by Richard Field: London, [1615?] 8o.
[54] A Defence of Tabacco [by Roger Marbecke]: with a friendly answer to the late printed booke called a Worke for Chimny-Sweepers &c. [of which the author's prefatory verses are signed: J. H.]
pp. 70. Richard Field, for Thomas Man: London, 1602. 4o.
[55] A Three-Fold Resolution, verie necessarie to saluation. Describing Earths vanitie, Hels horror, Heauens felicitie.
pp. 580. Richard Field for Iohn Norton: London, 1608. 12o.
[56] A Compendious Catechisme: wherein are briefly expounded, the Apostles Creed, the Ten Commandements and the Lords Prayer, together with other fundamentall points of Christian religion, very necessarie for children and seruants to learne, before they go to the Holy Communion ... The third impression enlarged. B.L.
DENISON. Stephen
pp. 50. Richard Field: London, 1621. 8o.
[57] The Monument or Tombe-Stone: or, a Sermon preached at Laurence Pountnies Church in London, Nouemb. 21. 1619. at the funerall of Mrs. Elizabeth Iuxon ... The second impression.
DENISON. Stephen
pp. 124. Richard Field: London, 1620. 8o.
[58] The Monument or Tombe-Stone: or, a Sermon preached at Laurence Pountnies Church in London, Nouemb. 21. 1619. at the funerall of Mrs. Elizabeth Iuxon ... The second impression.
[Another edition.] The third impression.
DENISON. Stephen
pp. 124. Richard Field: London, 1620. 8o.
[59] An Arithmeticall Militare Treatise, named Stratioticos: Compendiously teaching the Science of Nu¯bers, as well in Fractions as Integers, and so much of the Rules and Æquations Algebraicall and Arte of Numbers Cossicall, as are requisite for the Profession of a Soldiour. Together with the Moderne Militare Discipline, Offices, Lawes and Dueties in euery wel gouerned Campe and Armie to be obserued: Long since atte¯pted by L. Digges ... Augmented, digested, and lately finished, by Thomas Digges, his Sonne. Whereto he hath also adioyned certaine Questions of Great Ordinaunce, resolued in his other Treatize of Pyrotechny and great Artillerie, hereafter to bee published. [With folding plates.] B.L.
[Another edition.]. An Arithmetical warlike treatise named Stratioticos ... First published by T. Digges [or, rather, enlarged and completed by T. Digges from a work by Leonard Digges] ... lately reuiewed and corrected by the author himselfe, and also augmented with sundry additions, etc. B.L.
DIGGES. Leonard. the Elder
pp. 380. Richard Field: London, 1590. 4o.
[60] A Plaine and Familiar Exposition of the Ten Commandements ... The fifteenth edition, etc.
DOD. John. and CLEAVER (Robert)
pp. 365. Printed by Richard Field, for Thomas Man: London, 1622. 4o.
[61] The Copie of a Letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza, Ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine, declaring the state of England ... Found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh ... [By William Cecil, Baron Burghley.] Whereunto are adioyned certaine late Aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish Nauie, etc. B.L.
2 pt. I. Vautrollier for Richard Field: London, 1588. 4o.
[62] Certaine aduertisements out of Ireland, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish Nauie ... 1588.
[Another edition.]
I. Vautrollier for Richard Field: London, 1588. 4o.
[63] The Reformed Politicke. That, is an apologie for the generall cause of Reformation, written against the sclaunders of the Pope and the League ... Whereto is adioyned a discourse vpon the death of the Duke of Guise, prosecuting the argument of the booke.
pp. 90. Richard Field: London, 1589. 4o.
[64] Phrases Francoises: fort necessaires pour ceux qui apprennent a` parler francois, en forme de question.
pp. 56. Richard Field: Londres, 1624. 8o.
[65] The French Schoolemaister ... First collected by Mr. C. H. [Claudius Hollyband, i.e. C. de Sainliens] and now newly corrected and amended by P. Erondelle.
H.. C.
ff. 157. Richard Field for Clement Knight: London, 1623. 8o.
[66] The Anatomie of Vrines. Containing the conuiction and condemnation of them. Or, the second part of our discourse of vrines. Detecting and vnfolding the manifold falshoods and abuses committed by the vulgar sort of practitioners, in the iudgement of diseases by the vrines onely, etc.
HART. James. M.D., of Northampton
pp. 127. Richard Field for Robert Mylbourne: London, 1625. 4o.
[67] The Oration and Declaration of the French King, Henry the fourth ... Vttered out of his owne mouth, to the Lords and Gentlemen of his Armie, before the Citie of Paris, the eight day of this present moneth of August 1590. B.L.
HENRY IV., King of France
pp. 6. Printed by Richard Field for Iohn B[owen]; to be sold by Humfrey Lownes: London, 1590. 4o.
[68] Les Funerailles de Sodome et de ses filles, descriptes en vingt sermons, etc.
LE MAC¸ON. Robert. called De La Fontaine
pp. 403. Richard Field: Londres, 1600. 8o.
[69] Come and see. The Blisse of brightest beautie: shining out of Sion in perfect glorie. Being the summe of foure sermons preached in the Cathedrall Church of Glocester at commandment of superiours.
LOE. William. the Elder
pp. 57. Imprinted by Richard Field for Mathew Law: London, 1614. 4o.
[70] A treatise named Lucarsolace deuided into fovver bookes, which in part are collected out of diuerse authors in diuerse languages, and in part deuised by Cyprian Lucar Gentleman.
LUCAR. Cyprian
London: imprinted by Richard Field for Iohn Harrison, 1590. pp. 167: plates. 4o.
[71] The Christians Combat: wherein is set downe that daungerous fight wherunto all the faithfull and elect children of God are called, with a most sure hope of victorie ouer all their enemies in Christ their Captaine, and Generall of the Lords hostes: First written in French by P. M. [i.e. Pierre Merlin] and now Englished by G. C. [i.e. George Chapelin.]
M.. P.
pp. 284. Richard Field for Robert Dexter: London, 1591. 12o.
[72] The Popes Parliament, containing a pleasant and delightful historie, wherein are thoroughly deliuered and brightly blazed out the paltry trash of him and his pelting prelats ... Whereunto is annexed an Anatomie of Pope Ioane, more apparantly opening her whole life and storie. B.L.
MAYO. John. Author of the Pope's Parliament
pp. 41. Richard Field: London, 1591. 4o.
[73] Satans Sophistrie answered by Our Sauiour Christ, and in diuers sermons further manifested ... To which is added, a Comfort for the feeble minded, etc. [The Epistle dedicatorie signed: Robert Hill.]
PERKINS. William. Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge
pp. 186. Printed by Richard Field for E. E. [Eleazar Edgar]: London, 1604. 8o.
[74] The Lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes, compared together by ... Plutarke of Chæronea: translated out of Greeke into French by J. Amyot, ... Bishop of Auxerre ..., and out of French into Englishe by T. North. (The Lives of Annibal and Scipio African [by D. Acciajuoli], translated into French by C. de la Sluce, and Englished by T. North.)
[Another issue.]. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romanes, etc.
Imprinted by Richard Field for Thomas Wight: London, 1595. fol.
[75] The French Littelton. A most easie, perfecte, and absolute way to learne the French tongue. Set forth by Claudius Holyband [i.e. Claude de Sainliens].
SAINLIENS. Claude de
London: imprinted by Richard Field, 1591. pp. 222. 16o.
[76] The French Littelton: a most easy, perfect, and absolute way to learne the French tongue: set forth by Claudius Holyband.
SAINLIENS. Claude de
pp. 222. Richard Field: London, 1593. 8o.
[77] The French Littelton. A most, easie, perfect, and absolute way to learne the French tongue. Set forth by Claudius Holyband [i.e. Claude de Sainliens].
SAINLIENS. Claude de
London: printed by Richard Field, 1609. pp. 223. 16o.
[78] The French schoole-maister ... First collected by Mr. C. H. [Claudius Holyband, i.e. Claude de Sainliens] and now newly corrected and amended by P. Erondelle.
SAINLIENS. Claude de
London: printed by Richard Field for Clement Knight, 1615. ff. 157. 8o.
[79] A Treatise for Declining of Verbes ... Set forth by Claudius Holliband [i.e. C. de Sainliens].
SAINLIENS. Claude de
pp. 151. Printed by Richard Field: London, 1604. 8o.
[80] The Principles of Arithmeticke ... Together with the Art of Allegation: First written in Latine by B. Salignacke, and now Englished by W. Bedwell. B.L.
pp. 134. Richard Field: London, 1616. 8o.
[81] De Numeris Geometricis. Of the nature and proprieties of geometricall numbers ... Englished, enlarged and illustrated with diuers ... tables and obseruations ... All teaching the fabricke, demonstration and vse of a singular Instrument, or Rular ... inuented and perfitted by Thomas Bedwell. [With a diagram.]
pp. 82. Richard Field: London, 1614. 4o.
[82] Lucrece.
Printed by Richard Field, for Iohn Harrison: London, 1594. 4o.
[83] Venus and Adonis. Vilia miretur vulgus: mihi flauus Apollo. Pocula Castalia plena ministret aqua.
Imprinted by Richard Field, and are to be sold [by John Harrison] at the signe of the white Greyhound in Paules Church-yard: London, 1594. 4o.
[84] Rime.
UBALDINI. Petruccio
[Richard Field? London? 1596.] 4o.
[85] A Decacordon of Ten Quodlibeticall questions concerning Religion and State: wherein the authour framing himselfe a quilibet to euery quodlibet, decides an hundred crosse interrogatorie doubts, about the generall contentions betwixt the seminarie priests and Iesuits at this present.
WATSON. William. Secular Priest and Conspirator
pp. 361. [Richard Field: London,] 1602. 4o.
[86] Two Sermons: the former deliuered at Pauls Crosse the foure and twentieth of March, 1615, being the anniuersarie commemoration of the Kings most happie succession ... The latter at the Spittle on Monday in Easter weeke, 1613.
WHITE. John. D.D., Minister at Eccles
pp. 85. Richard Field for William Barret: London, 1615. 4o.
[87] The Way to the True Church ... The fourth impression, to which is annexed the Author's Protestation made upon his deathbed, touching his opinion in the present controuersies. MS. notes.
WHITE. John. D.D., Minister at Eccles
pp. 456. Richard Field for Iohn Bill and William Barret: London, 1616. 4o.
[88] [Elementa arithmeticæ.] The Elements of Arithmeticke most methodically deliuered. Written in Latine by C. Vrstitius ... and translated by Thomas Hood, etc.
WURSTISEN. Christian
pp. 216. Printed by Richard Field: London, 1596. 8o.
[89] The method of phisick, containing the causes, signes, and cures of inward diseases in mans body, from the head to the foote ... The third edition, corrected and amended.
London: imprinted by Richard field, 1601. pp. 476. 4o.
[90] The historie of the church. The second part. Containing a discouerie of the noueltie of Popish religion ... Digested into 34. Treatises. By ... Patrick Symson ..
Symson. Patrick. of Perth
London: printed by Richard Field, for Nathanael Newberie ..., 1625. [12],480p. (4o); 19cm
[91] Dos tratados. El primero es del Papa y de su autoridad colegido de su vida y dotrina, y de lo que los dotores y concilios antiguos y la misma sagrada Escritura ensen-an. El segundo es de la Missa recopilado de los dotores y concilios y de la sagrada Escritura. [Signed: C. D. V., i.e. Cipriano de Valera.]
Segunda edicion, augmentada por el mismo autor.. [Signed: C. D. V.]
VALERA. Cipriano de
[London:] Ricardo del Campo [i.e. Richard Field], 1599. pp. 610: plates. 8o.
[92] Brief Treatise of the use of the Globe Celestiall and Terrestriall: wherein is set downe the principles of the mathematicks. ... By R. T. [i.e. Robert Tanner.]
T.. R.
pp. 56. Richard Field, for Thomas Man: London, 1620. 8o.
[93] Annales des choses qui se sont passees en Angleterre et Irlande soubs le regne de Elizabeth: iusques a l'an de salut M.D.LXXXIX. Traduites en langue françoise par P. De Bellegent, etc.
CAMDEN. William. the Antiquary
pp. 521. Richard Field: Londres, 1624. 4o.
[94] Balthasaris Castilionis comitis, De Curiali siue Aulico, libri quatuor, interprete Bartholomæo Clerke ... ex Italico sermone in Latinum conuersi. Quibus accessit De Aula dialogus Gulielmi Insulani Menapii ... In quo partim refelluntur e deriuantur, partim attenuantur criminationes in Aulam Æniæ Syluii, e Vlderici Hutteni. Cum indice accurato et copioso.
[Another edition.]. Quibus additus est in fine Aula Dialogus (Gulielmi Insulani Menapij) ... Editio ... reuisa, emendata a` multis mendis repurgata.
CASTIGLIONE. Baldassare. Count
pp. 295. Ex officina Thomæ Adams; [printed by Richard Field]: Londini, 1612. 8o.
[95] The French Littelton: a most easy, perfect, and absolute way to learne the French tongue, etc.
SAINLIENS. Claude de
pp. 181. Richard Field: London, 1597. 12o.
[96] The French Littelton: a most easy perfect, and absolute way to learne the French tongue. Set forth by Claudius Holyband.
SAINLIENS. Claude de
London: printed by Richard Field, 1602. pp. 223. 16o.
[97] The French schoole-maister ... First collected by Mr C. H. [i.e. Claudius Hollyband, pseudonym of Claude de Sainliens] and now newly corrected and amended by P. Erondelle.
SAINLIENS. Claude de
London: printed by Richard Field for Clement Knight, 1609. pp. 157. 8o.
[98] A treatise for declining of verbes, which may be called the second chiefest worke of the French tongue. Set foorth by Claudius Hollyband [i.e. Claude de Sainliens].
SAINLIENS. Claude de
London: imprinted by Richard Field, 1590. pp. 150. 8o.
[99] The French schoole-maister ... First collected by Mr. C. H. [Claude Holyband, i.e. C. de Sainliens] and now newly corrected and amended by P. Erondelle, etc.
H.. C.
London: printed by Richard Field for Clement Knight, 1619. ff. 157. 8o.
[100] The Arte of English Poesie. Contrived into three Bookes: the first of Poets and Poesie, the second of Proportion, the third of Ornament. [By G. Puttenham.]
London: printed by Richard Field. 1589. pp. 25. [258.] 4o.
[101] S. Peters complaint. And Saint Mary Magdalens funerall teares. With sundry other selected, and deuout poems. By R. S. of the Society of Iesus [i.e. Robert Southwell].
[Another edition. Signed: R. S.]. St. Peters Complainte ... Wth other workes of the author R. S. [i.e. Robert Southwell], etc. [Edited by W. Barret.]
London: printed [by Richard Field?] for W. Barrett, 1620. Pages not numbered. 12o.
[102] Basilikon Doron, etc.
JAMES I., King of Great Britain and Ireland
pp. 154. Richard Field, for John Norton: London, 1603. 8o.